Sunday, May 2, 2010

Stepping Up My Game This Week

At the thrift store I work at, the back room has become quite crowded with donations and empty boxes. I had hoped to get some of said boxes broken down on Saturday (so that they can be taken to recycling), but I ran out of time before I could even start on that. The first part of my shift had me on the register. After the staff member scheduled to operate it in the afternoon came in and took over, I went to the back to get some bedding, potholders, curtains, etc., measured, folded, taped (a step in prepping certain items for pricing and display), and put out on the sales floor. There were also books and ties to put out as well.

When I go in tomorrow, I'll have donations to sort through (or put out if it has a default price) and put in the bins designated for them, toys to go through to make sure they are in good enough shape to be sold (There's a couple of bags worth to go through), fabric to prepare for pricing (as it's an items I'm not currently authorized to price unless the manager says otherwise), and boxes to break down.

Last week, I was in on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. However, I think I'm going to be going in every single day this coming week in order to better the chances of getting the back room less crowded. I normally do my laundry on Tuesday, but I did it today in order to have that day freed up. The only other thing left for me to do then will be to turn in some job applications which I will do before going over to Doggie Bag.

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