Thursday, April 15, 2010

Introduction To The Way Of The Accommodite.

Hello,  welcome to The Way Of The Accomodite. I'm Moderate Mouse. Some of you may have been to my other blogs, RAB-PIA and On The Road To The Rest Of My Life and are probably wondering what I'm up to with this blog.  This could take a while, so bear with me.

You see, I have what is called a Beta personality, which is considered submissive in nature, as opposed to an Alpha personality, which is dominant in nature. As a Beta, I feel the need to submit to the needs, wishes, etc. of others whenever possible and feel guilty (and I mean really guilty) if I fail in this area. I try to avoid saying anything that is bound to upset someone else, and again, if I fail in that area, I feel guilty. There are also times when I feel that when there is something that must be done (such as a household chore), and no one else has done it, I must do it provided I am able and allowed to whether I have been asked to do it or not. If someone else does something I don't agree with, I try not to be judgemental. I practically consider my own faults to be "worse" than those of others. I may not have control of the behavior of others, but I can control my own behavior.

In short, it's as though it's my life's mission to "accommodate" the needs, feelings, etc. of others (including God) and the state of my surroundings through my own actions. That is the way of the Accommodite. The Accommodites consider it their particular responsibility in the world to do whatever they can to avoid harm to others and their surroundings and when possible, take action towards doing good to these things, and if they fail, they are very hard .

That is the philosophy that this blog is dedicated to. It will cover how an Accommodite would handle different situations. I'm not looking to convert anybody or saying, "You must do xzy." This more a matter of "This is something that someone with my personality would do, and if it works for you, that's great."

I do have a couple of disclaimers, though. As I was raised on Christian standards (and I use the term "Christian" loosely), there may be references to God, The Bible, etc., so I apologize in advance to anyone of another faith that I might offend.  Also I may at some point refer to The Accomodate as either male of female (most likely the latter as I'm female). I realize that is not the most politically correct thing to do, but I'm not sure if referring to Accomodites as a group rather than referring to a hypothetical Accomodite will always work. There may be some of you who have the same submissive personality that I do but do not agree with every word I put here. That's okay, too. If it works for you, use it. If it doesn't, toss it out.

I hope you enjoy this blog. There is much more to come.